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Contact us - option to use your apprenticeship levy for a year's programme
Whether between you and another person, you and the business or two people you work with, conflict is an unproductive emotion and has a negative influence on everybody involved. This course looks at techniques to successfully combat Conflict once it has arisen and to identify the initial signs in order that it can be prevented before it evolves in the first place.
Our anger management training course greatly benefits those who need help controlling their outbursts of anger. Delegates soon learn how to recognise the signs of anger and how to manage it.
We are all capable of getting angry – it is a normal, usually healthy emotion. But when it gets out of control it becomes destructive and can lead to all sorts of problems.
You cannot eliminate anger from your life - you will always come across situations which provoke anger. The key to approaching anger is to take responsibility for your own reactions and behaviour by addressing angry feelings with new coping mechanisms and responses.
Anger is 'an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage' according to Charles Spielberger, Ph.D., a psychologist who specialises in the study of anger. Like other emotions, it is accompanied by physiological and biological changes; when you get angry, your heart rate and blood pressure go up, as does the level of your energy hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline.
Anger can be caused by both external and internal events. You could be angry at a specific person or an event (a parking ticket, losing some money), or your anger could be caused by worrying about personal problems. Memories of traumatic or enraging events can also trigger angry feelings.
The natural way to express anger is to respond aggressively. If we are threatened our natural response is to 'fight or flight' - this is our body's primitive, automatic, inborn response that prepares the body to 'fight or flight' from perceived attack, harm or threat to our survival. Some anger, therefore, is necessary to our survival.
On the other hand, we cannot hit every person or object that irritates or annoys us. Anger is seen as a bad personal quality and is often punished. Those who become angered quickly are usually avoided by others who do not feel comfortable in volatile situations. Anger is contagious in that others become angry as a matter of retaliation.
Our anger control courses helps delegates identify the causes of anger and reduce both the emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes. For example if a person learns at an early age that getting angry is the only way to get what they want, they need to learn other methods of negotiation.
Delegates will be encouraged to keep an anger diary to record recent anger situations or particular anger problems they are having. This will help us to develop suitable strategies for delegates to control their reactions and deal with such situations.
Anyone who is hurting themself and others with their anger and rage and people who need to be more assertive and less passive or aggressive.
Our anger management courses consist of one-to-one training with a tutor who has helped company directors, doctors, office and manual workers control their anger.
One-to-one training allows the tutor to move at the pace of the delegate (as fast or slow as necessary; as deep into the subject as appropriate, and with as much development as possible).
Anger management courses can be held at your business premises, a location of your choice, or remotely.
We do not run training courses for people from different companies to attend. It is important to identify the causes of a person's anger and help that person to develop ways of coping with it. Therefore we do not run courses for a number of people who might have different needs.
By the end of the anger management training course delegates will be able to...
- appreciate what are acceptable and unacceptable levels of behaviour
- define the components of anger management
- identify the causes of aggression
- practice assertive communication
- feel more at ease with yourself and others
- take a refreshing new look at yourself
- express all your feelings, not just anger
- face the behaviour of others – know how to prepare, what to do and say
- use appropriate verbal and non-verbal behaviour in different situations
- use your enhanced feelings of self confidence in a productive manner.

More Information
Graeme Jones
Head of Training Services
Elite Training European Ltd
3 Parkers Place
Martlesham Heath
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 3290 1473
Email: training@elitetraining.co.uk
About us
- For 25 years we've been delivering excellent bespoke business, management and personal development skills training courses to organisations, including businesses, public sector and not for profit across the UK and EMEA.
- Our trainers enhance the learning experience with our high energy, results driven, interactive approach, both in the classroom or through live remote training.
- Experiential learning with business games and training materials help participants acquire essential knowledge and skills through active, self-reflective engagement and enable them to remember the key learning points.
- Training Courses: Skilled and experienced trainers that develop and understand your needs and deliver enjoyable, tailored and cost-effective in-house training.
- Business Games: Fun and realistic, sold worldwide to use over and over again for quality development.
- Team Building: Injecting training expertise, real-life examples and fun to draw out key learnings.
- Coaching: Results driven executive and business coaching, creating environments where people develop and thrive, improving performance.
- Development Programmes: Tailored and bespoke programmes, developing and inspiring leaders, supporting strategic objectives and business change.
- Apprenticeship Standards: Utilise your apprenticeship levy for Level 5 Operations / Departmental Manager and Level 3 Team Leader / Supervisor, designed to your unique requirements.
- Your choice of in-person or remote learning and development.
Here are some of our customers who appreciate our experience in training and enjoyed our courses and business games:
Testimonials from the Anger Management Course
“Excellent. Sensible thought put forward in an easy to relate to manner. I will be able to use all aspects of the course.”
“I have just completed the training class with Mick Miles and it was dead on. The session was 1-on-1 and tailored it to my needs.”
“The tutor was easy going and adopted the session well to my needs. I will remember to look at a situation from ALL sides rather than one.”
“I will make use of all the tools for minimising anger that I learnt on the course. I found discussing real life examples where anger had been a problem recently, particularly useful.”
“I found this course informative, beneficial and useful. I will assess and identify my emotions and relax before acting. Also to see it from the other person's side.”
If you are interested in finding out more about our bespoke anger management course for organisations, please fill out the form.
We design and deliver interactive tailored training courses, from one-to-ones, to larger groups, usually in-house, tailored to business' unique requirements. We don’t run open public, online or distance learning courses.
To tailor anger management training, please call us on:
+44 (0) 20 3290 1473
Elite Training will not pass your contact details on to any third parties, and will only contact you in relation to your enquiries.