Training Materials
Our training materials will save you time and help deliver excellent training sessions.
Need to run a course, but don’t have the time or knowledge to prepare professional training course material?
Creating your own training materials is both time consuming and expensive. You have to plan, research, design, write, create and deliver.
Our training materials consist of games and exercises which improve retention of ideas, learning and increase fun and enjoyment. Each exercise provides experiences upon which participants can reflect and build. These experiences become the platform for learning.
Here are some considerations to make when choosing training materials:
Learning Outcomes
When selecting training resources think carefully about your intended learning outcomes. Will the resource meet these?
Consider your audience
- Is the exercise relevant and at the level of the participants?
- Will it challenge them, yet be achievable?
- Is it topical?
- Will it keep them engaged and ready for more learning?
- How long does the exercise last?
- Have you sufficient time? Ending the activity too soon will lessen its effect and allowing too much time will give opportunity for participants to lose focus.
Elite Training European Limited is a leading provider of training materials. We develop and sell a wide range of business simulation games and training games. We also sell selected training activities and games produced by other top training companies that achieve excellent results in our training courses and events.
Our training materials are a collection of ready-made, trainer-led activities to use in your training program. The resources are ideal for your training course, seminar or conference.
For more information on our Training Materials click on the link below:
Assessment and Recruiting
Building The Bridge
Colourshapes **
Creative Business Company **
Crime Squad **
Customer Service Decisions
Display Shelf
Life's Choices
Running Your Business for a Profit **
Supervisor & Management
Survival by Teamwork **
Team Shapes **
We Can Do Company **
Business Simulation
Global Trading
Running Your Business for a Profit **
We Can Do Company **
Change Management
We Can Do Company **
Practical Coaching
Building The Bridge
Colourblind II
Colourshapes **
Crime Squad **
Customer Service Decisions
Display Shelf
Get Your Message Across
Roller Coaster Ball **
Survival by Teamwork **
Team Shapes **
Conflict Management
Survival by Teamwork **
Construction Games
Building The Bridge
Display Shelf
Roller Coaster Ball **
Continuous and Process Improvement
Continuous Improvement
Display Shelf
Running Your Business for a Profit **
Creative Thinking and Problem Solving
'Brand' Creative Sales Opportunities
Creative Business Company **
Treasure of Pirate Island **
Customer Service
Building The Bridge
Customer Service Decisions
Pipeline **
Running Your Business for a Profit **
Finance in Business
Global Trading
Running Your Business for a Profit **
Ice Breakers and Energises
Colourshapes **
Crime Squad **
Electric Fence **
Helium Stick **
Pipeline **
Roller Coaster Ball **
Survival by Teamwork **
Leadership and Management
Building The Bridge
Continuous Improvement
Customer Service Decisions
Display Shelf
Global Trading
Running Your Business for a Profit **
Supervisor & Management
Survival by Teamwork **
Team Shapes **
Practical Mentoring
Colourshapes **
Customer Service Decisions
North Pole Sales & Negotiation
Safari Park Sales Challenge
Survival by Teamwork **
Openness and Trust
Colourshapes **
Team Shapes **
Performance Management
Continuous Improvement
Display Shelf
Planning and Projects
Building The Bridge
Roller Coaster Ball
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Colourshapes **
Creative Business Company **
Customer Service Decisions
Display Shelf
Survival by Teamwork **
Team Shapes **
Treasure of Pirate Island **
Risk Management
Global Trading
Sales and Marketing
'Brand' Creative Sales Opportunities
Safari Park Sales Challenge
North Pole Sales & Negotiation
Strategic Management and Planning
Global Trading
Running Your Business for a Profit **
Teamwork - Co-operation
Building The Bridge
Crime Squad **
Customer Service Decisions
Life's Choices
Pipeline **
Roller Coaster Ball **
Survival by Teamwork **
Treasure of Pirate Island **
We Can Do Company **
Teamwork - General
Colourshapes **
Continuous Improvement
Creative Business Company **
Display Shelf
Electric Fence **
Global Trading
Helium Stick **
Running Your Business for a Profit **
Team Shapes **
Team Activities for 40 or more people
Creative Business Company **
Crime Squad **
Roller Coaster Ball **
Running Your Business for a Profit **
Survival by Teamwork **
Team Shapes**
Treasure of Pirate Island **
Time Management
Life's Choices
100% Guaranteed!
If the game or training material does not live up to your expectations,
you can return them unused within 10 days, for a full refund on the goods.
Training European Limited is a leading UK corporate training provider and management games company. We will be pleased to arrange a business simulation game or team building event anywhere in the UK or Europe.
Elite Training European Limited is a leading UK corporate team building games and management games training company. We will be pleased to arrange a business game or team building activities anywhere in the UK or Europe.
We develop and sell a wide range of business simulation games and training material. We also sell selected training materials and games produced by other top training companies that achieve excellent results in our training courses and events.
These training activities like many of the business games we sell, allow you to build your collection of ready-made, trainer-led activities or tailor your own training program. The activities are ideal for your training course, seminar or conference.
To see the other companies that have bought our management games from us and their feedback on our services please visit our >> Customers and Feedback Page
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