One day
In-house: Live remote or your office
Training Dates
Client's preferred dates
Contact us - option to use your apprenticeship levy for a year's programme
In business mentoring is regarded as a relationship in which one person (the mentor) – usually someone more experienced, often more senior in an organisation – helps another (the learner or mentee) to discover more about themselves, their potential and their capability.
Recently, mentoring has taken on many other forms such as peer and group mentoring. The latest form of mentoring is reverse mentoring or ‘mentor up’ as it is also known. With this a younger or less experienced person helps a more senior manager gain insight into areas, such as computers and changing IT technology, changing mindsets and expectations of the younger generation, new business concepts, etc. The traditional one-way street becomes a two-way thoroughfare where employees of all ages can learn from each other.
The concept of reverse mentoring began when Jack Welch the CEO of General Electric realized he and his management team had much to learn about the Internet and technology applications. Welch required 600 top executives, including himself, to find younger mentors who were knowledgeable about the internet. Most of the mentors were in their 20’s and 30’s.
This lead to a transformation of General Electric as a technology driven organization, using the power of the internet to integrate the many components of production, suppliers, sales, marketing and customers. For example, a manager with 20 years of experience may seek a mentor to teach her about new technologies and computer skills, an area of expertise recent graduates often have because of the new educational standards they must meet. Consequently, this manager may ask her mentor to teach her about technologies with which she is unfamiliar.
Alternatively, a newly hired or recently transferred executive needs to understand the corporate culture, flow of work and decision-making protocol at his new company. Who better to be his mentor than an administrative assistant who has worked for the company for 15 years and is well respected for their wealth of knowledge.
The Benefits of Reverse Mentoring
Some of the areas where a well thought out, planned and implemented reverse mentoring program can help are:
- To enable senior managers to get first-hand experience of the issues that face their organisation as seen from a younger person
- Encourage frank discussion on current issues
- Keeping up with current trends and preventing barriers to growth
- A fresh perspective from fresh eyes. A reverse mentor can often shed new light on a situation
- New tools. Senior staff are often comfortable with certain tools and technologies they have used for some time. A younger professional, will probably be used to the newest tools and technology and can share that knowledge
- The Internet has expanded younger workers' geographic perspective. Involvement with social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook enable young adults learn about global social issues from friends around the world
- The younger generation are more likely to be comfortable with equality and diversity than any age group to come before them. Their perspective can help in efforts at enhancing diversity and inclusion
- Marketing can be improved with knowledge of what's going on with other generations or cultural groups
- Risk taking. Younger employees who grew up with technology developed “trial and error” style of learning are comfortable jumping into a situation to find answers. Such risk-taking can free up old habits and drive workplace innovation
- Seniors get a chance to gain awareness of their leadership style and to spot and evaluate new talent
- Young people gain exposure to senior executives which carries with it opportunities to learn from them, not only what to do, but also how to get things done. This exposure includes a chance to show their capabilities and their work ethic
- Enhance leadership, conflict management and coaching skills of mentees and mentors
- Develop strategies to create a more inclusive work environment.
Who will benefit:
Both Junior and Senior Staff
Duration: 1 day
By the end of the mentoring training course delegates will be able to…
- appreciate the benefits of reverse mentoring
- understand the role and practice the skills of an effective mentor
- demonstrate the difference between a coach and a mentor
- build rapport and create a development environment
- define preferred learning styles – understand how people learn
- assess individual needs
- avoid barriers to learning
- give appropriate feedback
- handle resistance to constructive criticism
- use effective probing and questioning
- practice reflective listening
- get the trainee to review themselves objectively
- set effective action plans
- develop the performance of individuals.

More Information
Graeme Jones
Head of Training Services
Elite Training European Ltd
3 Parkers Place
Martlesham Heath
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 3290 1473
Email: training@elitetraining.co.uk
About us
- For 25 years we've been delivering excellent bespoke business, management and personal development skills training courses to organisations, including businesses, public sector and not for profit across the UK and EMEA.
- Our trainers enhance the learning experience with our high energy, results driven, interactive approach, both in the classroom or through live remote training.
- Experiential learning with business games and training materials help participants acquire essential knowledge and skills through active, self-reflective engagement and enable them to remember the key learning points.
- Training Courses: Skilled and experienced trainers that develop and understand your needs and deliver enjoyable, tailored and cost-effective in-house training.
- Business Games: Fun and realistic, sold worldwide to use over and over again for quality development.
- Team Building: Injecting training expertise, real-life examples and fun to draw out key learnings.
- Coaching: Results driven executive and business coaching, creating environments where people develop and thrive, improving performance.
- Development Programmes: Tailored and bespoke programmes, developing and inspiring leaders, supporting strategic objectives and business change.
- Apprenticeship Standards: Utilise your apprenticeship levy for Level 5 Operations / Departmental Manager and Level 3 Team Leader / Supervisor, designed to your unique requirements.
- Your choice of in-person or remote learning and development.
Here are some of our customers who appreciate our experience in training and enjoyed our courses and business games:
If you are interested in finding out more about our bespoke reverse mentoring for organisations, please fill out the form.
We design and deliver interactive tailored training courses, from one-to-ones, to larger groups, usually in-house, tailored to business' unique requirements. We don’t run open public, online or distance learning courses.
To tailor Reverse Mentoring training, please call us on:
+44 (0) 20 3290 1473
Elite Training will not pass your contact details on to any third parties, and will only contact you in relation to your enquiries.